This strand aims to train schools to identify core areas of difficulty such as Speech Language and Communication Needs as well as Developmental Coordination Disorder.
This support includes using designated screeners to identify these needs.
Schools that are targeted for further input are allocated a Speech Therapist and a Specialist Teacher to work with them throughout the year. Schools also have access to Educational Psychology and Occupational Therapy support as identified thorough the ECASS whole school audit process. Bespoke support related to the outcome of this audit is provided by the ECASS team.


Universal Offer Training:

  • Progression Tools Screener Training & access to the ECASS Strategy Bank
  • Central online training – ‘Is it SLCN?’ 
  • Access to top tips flyer/web page (Joint collaboration OT, EP & SALT)
  • All Behaviour is Communication – Online Training (for Primary and Secondary staff and parents/carers)
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